# Actions workflow for automated deployment of SnapLogic assets name: SnapLogic CICD Sample on: push: branches: - Dev_GH_Space # Uncomment the below line if you need to execute the workflow manually. # workflow_dispatch: jobs: pull_merge_branches: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Merge Dev to Prod uses: devmasx/merge-branch@master with: type: now from_branch: Dev_GH_Space target_branch: Prod_GH_Space github_token: ${{ secrets.ACTIONS_TOKEN }} - name: Checkout project assets to Prod project space run: | curl -s -X POST \ ${{vars.SNAP_URL}}/api/1/rest/public/project/pull/${{vars.SNAP_ORG}}/${{vars.PROJECT_SPACE}} \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Basic ${{secrets.BASE64_TOKEN}}" \ -d '{"use_theirs":"true"}'