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Error handling procedure is falling over internally and then trying to send error messages about itself, thus creating a loop

New Contributor

Error handling procedure is falling over internally and then trying to send error messages about itself, thus creating a loop, what can be done with the sender address or not to get this many alerts?

The error message we get is as follows:

“logid”: 1566
“hostname , pipeline name ,$= {error=Cannot deliver the message, reason=Message caused too many failures, resolution=Redirecting message that has caused too many failure to the error pipeline: {}, status_code=too-many-pipeline-failures, original={task_name=…”
It is the error that the message could not be delivered ({error=Cannot deliver the message, reason=Message caused too many failures, resolution=Redirecting message that has caused too many failure to the error pipeline: )
docs to input email sender conf error message
After we experience a failure these messages were what the email sender was replaying nonstop.
Eventually the monitor email address gets flagged for excessive mails, and end up been blocked.


Admin Admin

Increase your batch size to consolidate messages into fewer emails.

Diane Miller
Community Manager

New Contributor

I do not think that is an option for us since we want the original payload to be sent to us in different batches. Besides the original payload received once we are getting this “error=Cannot deliver the message, reason=Message caused too many failures, resolution=Redirecting message that has caused too many failure to the error pipeline:…”