10-19-2022 02:31 AM
The source file contains Reporting Period value in diff date format.
AUG 2022
I am using the below ternary expression to handle the above mentioned date pattern.
isNaN(Date.parse($RPT_MONTH,‘MMM-yyyy’)) || isNaN(Date.parse($RPT_MONTH,‘MMM-yy’)) ? $RPT_MONTH : Date.parse($RPT_MONTH,‘MMM-yy’).toLocaleDateString({“format”:“MMM yyyy”})
But when the value is in August-2022 the above code is not converting it into AUG 2022
Any kind of help will be highly appreciated.
10-19-2022 04:13 AM
Hi @UrsVinny ,
You can always extend the ternary operator with another nested ternary, but that could very easily become a complex and unsustainable expression.
I would recommend an expression library with a function that will check the date field for all possible formats.
That way you can easily add a new format in the future if needed.
10-19-2022 06:13 AM
@UrsVinny - Sorry I originally posted a little too quickly and didn’t validate my reply.
Here is a small sample pipeline using the Conditional snap to test if it’s a 2-or-4 digit year before doing the Date.parse()
Community 13660 - Date parsing_2022_10_19.slp (5.4 KB)
It’s pretty easy to add expressions in the Conditional. As a general rule, I typically revert to the Conditional snap when the ternary logic requires more than one test since ternary gets hard to decipher after just a couple levels.
Hope this helps!
10-19-2022 02:27 PM
I’m just playing with regex ideas for this (because who doesn’t like to - regex is like play doh! 😄), I think this will work for a mapper if you know it is a single delimiter being a space or a dash:
Date.parse($RPT_MONTH.replace(/^([^ -]+).*(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,"$1-$2$3"),'MMM-yy').toLocaleDateString({"format":"MMM yyyy"})
But you could cover your bases in case the delimiter is not a space or dash or no delimiter at all (ex. Aug.2022 or Aug22) with either one of these two:
Date.parse($RPT_MONTH.replace(/^([^\d]{3}).*(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,"$1-$2$3"),'MMM-yy').toLocaleDateString({"format":"MMM yyyy"})
Date.parse($RPT_MONTH.replace(/^([a-zA-Z]+).*(\d{2})(\d{2})$/,"$1-$2$3"),'MMM-yy').toLocaleDateString({"format":"MMM yyyy"})
Disclaimer: testing works for me with the values of the original post and a few I threw in of my own. All potential cases are not fully tested.
10-19-2022 02:55 PM
Follow-up to my post: In my testing, I found that Date.parse() format of “MMM-yy” works correctly with both 2-digit and 4-digit years, so it may not be necessary to differentiate in your logic.