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Renaming multiple items in an array

New Contributor
I have a question regarding renaming multiple items within an array. Currently, I'm using the following mapping to rename one item:
map(x => x.mapKeys((value, key) => key.contains('Memo') ? "description" : key))
However, I'm encountering difficulties when attempting to rename another item within the same array ("unique id" to "custcol_xero_unique_key"). I've tried various approaches but keep running into compilation errors.
Would you have any suggestions on how to incorporate the renaming of this second array item into the existing formula?

Valued Contributor


If you want to add another mapping rule, you can do that withnin the existing mapKeys function: 

map(x => x.mapKeys((value, key) => key.contains('Memo') ? "description" : (key.contains('unique_id') ? "custcol_xero_unique_key" : key)))

Or, if you need to add conditions for more fields than also you can utilize the match operator.