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Reading multiple files from ftp and loading it in snowflake table

New Contributor

I am trying to create and load a snowflake table based on multiple csv files that are stored in a ftp location.

As of now, my approach looks like -

Step 1: parent pipeline 

File poller -》 Pipeline Execute

(Created an entry for pipeline parameter with name as "filepath" and parameter value as "$path")

Step 2 -》 child pipeline 

Zip file read -》 csv parser - 》 mapper - 》 snowflake bulk load

(Created an entry for pipeline parameter with key as "filepath" and parameter value as "$_pipeline_parameters.filepath")

In the zipfile read snap, i meed to fill value for the "File*" section. As of now i am filling it with the value "_filepath" but it throws error aayinf "unable to read from $pipeline_parameters.filepath. Reason: File not found on ............$pipeline_parameters.filepath. check for url syntax and file access permission. 

IIin the parent pipeline, file poller is working fine and i am getting a list of 10 diff zip files as $path. Not sure, what is going wrong after that. 

Please assist. Not sure waht is going wrong here.