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Hi, I have one requirement in this there is one API return list of values comma separated and Another column coming from Snowflake and I need to compare and generate a flag Note : order of strings are not fixed Example Column1: [‘STRING1’,‘STRING2’,‘...
Hi, I am using fixed width formatter in my pipeline and If I don’t have any data in the source and fixed formatter generates one output and create a blank file. Do we have any other functionality similar to ignore empty stream.
Hi, I am trying to Update the below url in rest get snap and want to add filter on date in place of Days. URL I am Using : _JiraHost+“/rest/api/2/search?maxResults=50&startAt=”+(parseInt($entity.startAt)+50)+“&jql=project+in+(”+_project.replaceAll(’ ...
Hi, I have the below api response and I need to split the Issue field Can please help me with this.
Hi, I am trying to use an array in the pipeline parameter and need to pass the child mapper and array is converted into String. [ “SENDING_PLAN”, “TRACKING_PLAN” ]
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