Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Execute each child pipeline multiple times

Hi, I have a parent pipeline that is receiving an array of client_code.  I have mapped and routed it to two child pipelines and would like to execute the each of the child pipeline for each of the code. Let's say for 3 incoming client_codes. I want t...

pranjbhatt by New Contributor III
  • 6 replies
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Replace after checking the condition

Hi, I am building a functionality to check status of the job. I have passed several conditions in the conditional snap and would like to replace it with certain message, for the given field, if the condition is satisfied or else the field will use th...

pranjbhatt by New Contributor III
  • 2 replies
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Data Validator Pattern error

Hello,  I am building an API that used PUT method to update a set of JSON data into my taget database. One of the contents of the PUT method is a boolean type that would receive ether a "true" or "false" and is a mandatory entity.I am using a Data Va...

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