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To prevent further spamming incidents, we have changed our permissions for the members of this community. While anyone can visit our community, only verified customers, partners, and employees will have posting access. Email community@snaplogic.com to verify your account.

Community Activity

Using Windows Authentication with SQL Server Accounts

The topic of "providing windows ID / Password to SQL Server has come up a few different times so below is a solution that I found to work in most instances. Scenario: Service accounts with Native SQL Server authentication is NOT supported (internal s...

ebarner by Former Employee
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Resolved! How to dynamically update an account?

I'm going to update the existing account which contains a short-lived access token and then the account is used in HTTP client snaps. But it doesn't work, looks the account is loaded once for all pipelines including child pipelines. Is this expected ...

Andrei_Y by New Contributor III
  • 2 replies
  • 1 kudos
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