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SQL Server Execute - Dealing With No Results

New Contributor

Dear Snaplogic Community

I am calling an SQL Server Execute to return the field value of “CLI_SUR_NM” i.e. surname in the table based on a “$FinalIngenPolicyNo” primary key fed by a mapper. If the ID primary key is not found then how do I trap this scenario in the snaplogic snaps? What is a good way to deal with no results from an sql execute snap? If it returns no results and i map the “$CLI_SUR_NM” value I get an error.



Thank you very much!


Former Employee

Do you have the “Pass Through” option checked in the Execute snaps properties? Can you share the full configuration for the Execute snap.

Also, I wanted to mention that I don’t think you need to make the SQL Statement an expression. I think you should be able to write the last bit as follows:

CFPOL.POL_ID = $FinalIngenPolicyNo;

The snap should substitute references like that automatically.

New Contributor

Hi Tim

Thanks for the reply. Yes I do have “Pass Trhough” checked as seen below in the screenshot. If it returns nothing what’s the best way to handle this? Thanks

Noted on not make the SQL Statement an expression

Thank you!


In your first post, the screenshot shows the Execute snap not generating any preview documents. But, you don’t have ‘Execute during preview’ checked for the snap, so it won’t running during validation/preview. Can you select that and try again?

New Contributor

Hi Tim

I selected execute during preview now. And only the original passes through. I want to write logic to do processing when no rows are returned from sql server execute e.g. using the router below.

Below is the original string which is returned when the primary key is not found.
