12-17-2021 09:40 AM
Hi i have been following the tutorial from the Snaplogic documentation https://docs-snaplogic.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SD/pages/2017558845/How+to+Deploy+a+Groundplex+in+K... about deploying Groundplex in Kubernetes.
When i deploy the prometheus adapter and check the custom metrics api with this command
(kubectl get --raw /apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1 | jq . ), I am getting empty response - resources field is not populated with values. I have also attached the response from the api i am supposed to get , and the one that i am getting.
Any help on why i am getting empty resources field without any values would be appreciated.
12-21-2021 03:56 PM
I reached out to our Kubernetes team. They have some questions:
Is cluster enabled on the Snaplex manager Nodes tab? (enable_k8s_auto_scaling
Could you share your kube-prometheus-stack’s custom_values.yaml
and prometheus-adapter’s custom_values.yaml
files ? (please mask any sensitive data in these files)
What cloud provider are you using? AWS EKS?
Another route is to create a support ticket where you’ll probably feel more comfortable sharing your configuration. However, maybe we can solve this with just a little more information. 🙂
12-22-2021 02:53 AM
Hi @mbowen,
The cluster is enabled on the Snaplex manager Nodes tab:
Here is the file for the prometheus-kube-stack i’ve attached it as txt because i wasn’t able to attach as yaml file, i am using same values from the documentation:
custom_values.txt (1.4 KB)
Here is the file for the prometheus-adapter attached as txt, i am also using the same values from the documentation:
adapter_custom_values.txt (583 Bytes)
Additionally as cloud provider i am using Azure , AKS cluster.
My colleague also has the same problem , is using AWS EKS as cloud provider and the custom metrics aren’t appearing also.
Additionally the Snaplogic chart for Grafana that is avalible on the SnapLogic Snaplex Dashboard v202206 | Grafana Labs seems to be outdated, it would be nice if it could be updated to scale with the latest version of kubernetes.
12-22-2021 03:42 AM
Hello @mbowen and @Igor_Bozhinovski ,
I`m having the same problem on AWS EKS cluster with the custom metrics API, using the same configuration files as above.
Also I`m getting empty response in the resources field, the custom metrics are not registered in the custom API.
12-22-2021 09:46 AM
@Igor_Bozhinovski @AnetaTrajkovska
Thank you for the information. I’ve passed information along to our K8 team.