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401 Error using Https in API REST GET call

New Contributor

In house API call that works well in all browsers and postman returns “REST API service endpoint returned error result: status code = 401, reason phrase = Unauthorized, refer to the error_entity field in the error view document for more details” when using the REST snap

The following was tried and the issue persist
-Create account from REST GET similar to what is used to access API from browser (NTLM)
-Trust all certificates settings checked on REST snap
-‘Keep-alive’ connection added to Header settings
-Cookie details added to Header settings

Does anyone have any suggestion to assist in getting this error fixed


The api works fine in postman with the same username and password set up in snaplogic. Hence my confusion that the rest snap error is complaining about an authorization issue


Admin Admin

Do you know if your API relies on the header User-Agent?
We believe Postman autopoulates this header, but our REST Snaps do not.

Diane Miller
Community Manager

Does not seem so. I unchecked the option in postman and the call returned


But if i were to add this setting to the snap what would the value be? I am unfamiliar with this setting and its use

One of engineers believed he saw it needed in one use case that had authorization issues.

Diane Miller
Community Manager

Understood. How to do set it was what i was asking. I am unfamiliar with what the value would be for example in postman the value is PostmanRuntime/7.26.8. If i am to set it in the rest snap what value am I to put?