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AWS SQS Acknowledgment getting failed with Token Timeout Error


Hi Experts,

Use-case: Extract AWS SQS Queues on real-time basis and transfer it to SAP system using API. In order to minimize data-loss, the "Auto-acknowledge" should be disabled in Consumer Snap and AWS Acknowledge is to be used after transferring the data to SAP.


This pipeline is an ultra-task as we require real-time data flow.

The AWS Account that is used is based on IAM role, in which we have only configured Role ARN and External ID.

Screenshot 2024-08-06 123635.png

We are able to successfully connect to AWS SQS and transfer data, however, there is an issue that we are facing here.

While establishing the connection from SQS, a security token is generated, which is associated with incoming queues. Now this security token has an expiration time of maximum of 12 hrs. The ultra task works ok for the input coming in first 12 hrs. as the security token is valid, however, after 12th hour, every input coming in gives us below error:

Caused by: The security token included in the request is expired (Service: AmazonSQS; Status Code: 403; Error Code: ExpiredToken; Request ID: 46808b9c-32b2-5193-855b-d4ba552f0395; Proxy: null)

The problem here is auto-refresh of security token, which at Snaplogic level doesn't exists. Is there any workaround? I do not want to restart the ultra-task after every 12 hrs.
