Designing and Running Pipelines
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Resolved! Join Snap issue

I have output documents from join snap as follows next I have a Router Configured basically for checking for a particular variable “RowCount” in input…the scenario is I only want to check if “rowCount” is available in only 1 input document,but it r...

ash42 by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Combine multiple arrays

hi there, I have following json [ { "docname": [ "Coupa_Supplier_SB_Tax_Cert_PO_4501923290", "Coupa_Supplier_SB_Tax_Cert_PO_450192323" ], "id": 16758, "docext": [ "pdf", "pdf" ], "IDOC": { "@BEG...

manohar by Contributor
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Resolved! Filter expression on arrays

hi there, I have this json [ { "filename": [ "Coupa_Supplier_SB_Tax_Cert_PO_4501923290", "Coupa_Supplier_SB_Tax_Cert_PO_4501888888" ], "id": 16755, "docid": [ "FOL18 4 EXT48000000000761", "FOL18 ...

manohar by Contributor
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Ultra Task Not Starting

We have an ultra task , we can see that we have documents to be processed but the ultra task isn’t starting also we cant see the task in the dashboard. Has anyone experienced similar issue recently ?

Snaplogic API Proxy Use Case/Examples

Hi Everyone, I have a question relating API proxies in SnapLogic. I have now a lot of experience with creating APIs within the SnapLogic Platform and trying to create also Proxies. But was wondering if there are any existing use cases or examples of ...

Pipeline migrate/copy with versions as well

When I am copying the pipeline from one project to another, the version information on the source project is not available in the target project space for the same pipeline. What is the best to way to copy/migrate the pipeline with version informatio...

patan by New Contributor III
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