Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Using REST In-Memory OAuth2 Account

I am converting a REST Put snap so it can use OAuth2 for authentication purposes. I have a REST In-Memory OAuth2 account created. It has been able to authorize and refresh its tokens. When I try and do a REST Put using this account, I am getting a 40...

Scheduled Task + File Poller guidelines

I have several legacy file-based interfaces I’m migrating to Snaplogic. Many of them involve polling for new input files on a scheduled basis, usually something like every 30/60/120 seconds. I’ve coded the ones I’ve done using a combination of a sc...

hrender by New Contributor
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Parent/Child Parameters

I’m new to Snaplogic. I am working on a solution to pull files from a network share and load to a Snowflake table. I have a Parent set up to pull the file names from the network share using the directory browser snap which is going to the Pipeline ...

cew657 by New Contributor
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Resolved! Mixed array and object JSON

Hello, I have a feed coming from github which I need to get certain attributes but some of the items are being returned as arrays and some are being returned as objects! Does anyone know how I can align the 2 types together to perform downstream task...

Julian date in filename

Hello, I have a use case where the Julian date is in the filename e.g. sampleFile.216.txt. How would you suggest converting ‘216’ into yyyy-mm-dd format? Regards, Marrah

marenas by Contributor
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SOAP API Passing credentails to XML envelop

I’m working on an integration with Clarity( Broadcom) - using a soap execute to import data from a Query. In the soap envelope – I need to pass Username and Passoword for authentication . How can I pass credentials securely from account ( basic OAUT...

test123 by New Contributor
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