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Resolved! Improper result after Copy/Mapper output

Hi, Can anyone pls help me why the values after copy snap getting changed without any transofrmation as shown in below pics. In place of copy snap i used mapper also. Then also showing incorrect values for the Order quantity and Order value. Below ...

Madhu1 by New Contributor
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Write file to US-ASCII file format

Hello Experts , I’m trying to write file in US-ASCII file format. i have used mapper–>binary copy–>transcoder–>file writer snap. Mapper has input string and binary output. Binary copy snap to make copy of result of mapper. transcoder snap with settin...

Elegant way for String interpolation

Hello, I’m wondering if there is any elegant way in the Snaplogic Expression Language to achieve String interpolation? E.g. similar to f-strings in Python? f"This is a test string including a {variable}" The method I’m using at the moment is string ...

Henchway by Contributor
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Resolved! Does Snaplogic support Ed25519 SSH keys?

I’m guessing that it doesn’t because when I try to use one in that format I get an “Invalid private key” error, but it would be helpful if someone could confirm that. Here’s the full error: Invalid private key Resolution: Please ensure private key i...

snapuser by New Contributor II
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