Designing and Running Pipelines
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Join snap not working

Ok, so you all helped me get past my issue with adding a GUID, and I appreciate it! But now I’m having a problem with my join snap not working. A pic is worth a thousand words so here it is: The thing that is confusing is for the mapper just befor...

vincenr by New Contributor III
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How to handle NULL

Hi, I have the below expression but sometimes it can be NULL instead of ‘S’. Could you please suggest how to handle the NULL in the below expression? $input0.final_document.Pipeline_Status==‘S’ && $input1.final_document.Pipeline_Status==‘S’ && $input...

newID() not working against starrez

I’m having an issue, but it’s being masked by the fact I’m doing a REST POST against the starrez system (residential housing). I’m just trying to do a simple SELECT [field1], [field2], newID()… Whenever I add the newID() as myGUID back in, my POST...

vincenr by New Contributor III
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