Designing and Running Pipelines
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Create xml segment only if condition is met

Hi, I am trying to convert xm1 into xml2. In order to that I have used XML Parser, Mapper,XML Formatter. There is one logic, I need to create a segment only if value of a particular repeatable segment is either jsonPath($, “$Z_RDGD102.IDOC.DKA1[].PAR...

Sahil by Contributor
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Resolved! No schema available(Input Schema) for Mapper

Hi, Pipeline design is like below:- File Poller , file reader,XSLT, XML parser, mapper, XML Generator. In the XML parser and XML Generator, I have provided xsd but I am only getting output schema and not the input schema in Mapper. XML parser xsd is ...

Sahil by Contributor
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Resolved! Need to convert yyyymmdd to yyyy-mm-dd

Hi, I have a element as:- jsonPath($, “$Z_ORD.IDOC.DK02[].DATE") and value is coming as 20210521(yyyymmdd). I need to convert it to 2021-05-21 and map it to target ml element. I am using mapper. Tried like below:- Date.parse(jsonPath($, "$Z_ORD.IDOC....

Sahil by Contributor
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Record Count per file

Hi, I am reading multiple csv files from a SFTP location. I need to get the # of records per file, so I can put that info in a summary email. Any ideas on how I can retrieve the filename and # of records for each file? Thanks! Dawn

dgetchius by New Contributor
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CSV data fields is greater than Header size

Hi Gooday, I tried reading a csv file from smb server through csv parser . The parser throws the error like “Error parsing at record 6478, content-The number of CSV data fields is greater than the number of header columns in the input data: number of...

Harsha3 by New Contributor III
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