Designing and Running Pipelines
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File Writer FTP write-only access error?

We have a use case where we need to send a file to an FTP site that restricts users from reading from, or navigating directories. We’re only allowed access to put files on the server at the directory specified. When I attempt to deposit a file genera...

whaleyl by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Ingesting SalesForce Data

Hi I’m attempting to connect to a SalesForce instance using a SOQL snap, read all the table names, then use a pipeline execution snap to trigger a child pipeline that dynamically looks up all the field names for each table name it is fed, then pulls ...

Snaplogic iterate over array

Hi , i have json like payload{ input:[ {url: "’,} {url: "’,}, {url: "’,} ] } i need to iterate over payload.input[0].url ,payload.input[1].url and send url to restPOST api. can you please suggest anyoption to get individua...

Resolved! Change nested arrays into one array

Hi, I have a situation like below: I have array "Allowance_Plan’ and in this array I could have many elements which also are arrays. Child arrays as a elements contains objects. In this case I have 2 arrays with 2 object in each of them. As a final ...