Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Omit missing fields in a Mapper

Hi community, I would like to create a Master Mapper of sorts that will accept an input stream of let’s say field1 and field2, and just output those fields. Mapper: TEST_MasterMapper_2020_02_11.slp (4.9 KB) I’ve uploaded a sample pipeline of what I...

Snowflake - Bulk Load giving error

Hi, I am trying to use Snowflake bulk load snap to write data to a Snowflake table from input view. But when I have tried to validate or execute the pipeline I got the following error, Pipeline Execute: Error details: What is this temp file here? C...

Resolved! Discard all documents in pipeline

At the very end of a pipeline I would like to update a single row in a logging table. I’m going to do that in an Execute Task snap, but the problem I’m having is that it wants to run the child snap 20k times instead of simply running a single update ...

Snowflake Bulk Load

Hi, I am trying to use Snowflake bulk load snap to read data from external S3 location and load into the snowflake table. here the challenge is that. Under the Snowflake account, I have mentioned the external bucket name and provided keys. but when a...

venkat by New Contributor
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Resolved! Simple document viewer during testing

I was wondering if there is a simple way of viewing documents made it down a certain path during testing of a pipeline. I know that I can view how many documents flow in and out of a Snap using the statistics viewer, but I’d like to actually see the ...

Resolved! Router snap catch all

I have a section in a pipeline where I need to route documents down one of two paths. I would like to do a single comparison on some fields, if it’s true go down one path, if it’s not, go down another path. Think of it as the ELSE in a SWITCH stateme...