Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

In memory snap

Hello Everyone, Snap introduce in memory snap. Can anyone explain the how it’s work behind the scene and what is the difference between join and in memory snaps? Any recommending scenario where we can use memory lookup snap?

Supratim by Contributor III
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Insert error with JDBC insert and PGSQL

I have a pipeline that reads from Oracle and writes to PGSQL. When inserting to PGSQL, I get this error Batch entry 0 insert into “pg_temp”.“crmi002b_ut_pprs001” (“end_date”, “opportunity_type”, “sales_person”, “opportunity_status_type”, “sr_partitio...

Snaplex Node Freezing with High Memory

One of our SL Nodes freezes on high memory and won’t start any new pipelines or accept any webhooks. The only way we’ve found to fix this is a manual reboot. Memory will be going between 70-85%, and CPU between 10-60%… everything will be working fine...

nsmith by New Contributor III
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