Designing and Running Pipelines
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Salesforce Bulk Batch Results

Is there a way to tell the Salesforce Upsert/Create/Update, when ran in Bulk, to wait for the Result? This seems like a huge gap. Having the pipeline “succeed” after submission to Salesforce is misleading at best. If anyone has solved for this please...

ronmwhite by New Contributor II
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Formatting date/time in Excel formatter

I’m new to snapLogic and can’t figure out how to format my date/time column in an Excel spreadsheet. I have a SQL Server Execute pipeline that emails output in an Excel spreadsheet to my user. The column currently looks like this (I couldn’t cut/past...

ServiceNow Query

I have a bunch of tables to get from ServiceNow Query snap. I want to parameterize them by passing table variable. It is throwing up an error: Failure: An error occurred while fetching the records (status code: 400), Reason: Bad Request, Resolution: ...

Raj by New Contributor II
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Year format not taking in properly

Hi SL Community, I am facing a hiccup when I am trying to call a child pipeline which pulls data from Oracle database. The error happens in all the snaps where a SQL statement has year written in the form of parameter. The error I get is an Oracle er...