Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Invalid XML Character (Unicode: 0x8)

I’m using the XML Generator snap. I’ve already stripped out the usual suspect characters (&, <, >, ", ", %) but I am still getting the following error. Writing document to error view with behavior: continue; reason=An invalid XML character (Unicode:...

Customize the Response - HTML

We have a task url that is triggered from an application we use. The application has an embedded web browser which also shows the response back from our pipeline. This is how the user knows if the task was successfully run or not (I’ve uploaded an ...

mkramer by New Contributor
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Kafka Consumer Snap

Hi I wanted to read all the records from the kafka queue in first run and then latest records from the queue from kafka consumer snap.I start reading for the first time from the queue,what setting of ‘seek type’ and ‘auto offset reset’ should I use i...

String to Char Array

Good Day Everyone, How do you convert a string datatype to a char Array datatype in order to do a SQL Server Lookup where the field being searched is of char(10) format? The data being entered is of string format eg. “A345”. However this error is ret...

Sachin by New Contributor
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