Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Second of two sort snaps not sorting

I have a pipeline with two sorts. I sort on parent account id, do a join, and then sort on a company code. The data out of the second sort is not sorted by the company code, it is still the parent account id. Is there a way to accomplish this? Th...

Trouble generating url for s3 in script snap

hi all, i m using script snap to generate presigned url for an object in s3 . Failure: ReferenceError: “AmazonS3Client” is not defined, Reason: Script failed with the following error: ReferenceError: “AmazonS3Client” is not defined, Resolution: Fix ...

vipulk10 by New Contributor III
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SOAP Execute - formatting the envelope

I’m working on an integration with Explorance Blue - using a soap execute to import data from a csv file (which was created in snaplogic). In the soap envelope - the syntax for some of the inputs is not working. I’m looking for syntax specifically fo...

jkeller by New Contributor III
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