Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Exception handling in pipeline

Is there a way to handle exceptions across the pipeline. If we have 100 records streaming, we want to route any record that failed to a log file, and still process all the remaining records. Handling error in each snap looks very tedious, and I wante...

IgnatiusN by New Contributor II
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Can the File Writer snap output plain text?

It seems that the File Writer is only capable of outputting JSON to the file, and every write is on the same line. I would like to know if it is possible to write plain text to the file with every log is on a new line. Also, is this File Writer threa...

DSander by New Contributor II
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Append fields to a existing JSON

Hi, How do I append some hardcode json string into an exsting json document. For example, my Oracle select Snapl returns below as output [{“DEGREE_ID”:269,“DEGREE_NAME”:“1. Staatsexamen”}, {“DEGREE_ID”:270,“DEGREE_NAME”:“1. jur. Staatsexamen”}, {“DEG...

Resolved! PUTing a XML String

I have a pipeline that goes through some work manipulating data, then starts using a XML Generator Snap to make a bunch of XML documents that need to get PUT to a REST API. Simplified, example of a document. [ {"xml":"<?xml version="1.0" encodin...

Logs missing from files

I am using a custom logger(basically a script snap in which i write) which logs to a certain file . This logger is used in 4 pipelines of a project . The problem is that when I run all the pipelines together at same time logs come initially to the f...

vipulk10 by New Contributor III
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