Designing and Running Pipelines
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Forum Posts

Resolved! Parent-child pipeline execute

Hello all, I’m trying to understand one functionality for “pipeline execute”. Let say we need to have multiple executions in the child process and the pool size is 1. My question is does pipeline execute is scanning the project environment before ini...

pmancevski by New Contributor III
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Resolved! Route based on grand child value

Hi there, I have this structure json. I need to route the json based on attachment in below json, if exist or not input json [ { "data": { "po-number": "4501918519_2", "order-lines": [ { "id": { "@type"...

manohar by Contributor
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File Writer not creating new directory

Usinf FileWriter snap I am trying to create a new direcorty ‘202303’ and write a file to that location but it is throwing erro however I am able to write a file to the existing directory(If i create a new folder named ‘202302’ manually then it is...

ash42 by New Contributor III
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GraphQL pagination

Does anyone else have experience with using pagination with GraphQL APIs? I am working with a new endpoint that uses GraphQL but the limit and offseset parameters for it are kept in the body of the request which creates issues. I’ve figured out that...

maddog0 by New Contributor II
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Resolved! Generate dynamic HTML file in snaplogic

Hi All, Have a question: I have a Script file that generates a dynamic html file. And this dynamic html file generated is fed into EMAIL SENDER snap. Problem: I want to place my script file inside snaplogic directly. Unable to achieve this. I am past...

Resolved! How to access data from previous snaps

Hi Have a pipeline where i get data from a triggered task. For testing and dev purpose, I am reading the data from files as the first step. In one of the snaps i am calling another pipeline to query servicenow after the query I want to use the data w...

vkandalam by New Contributor II
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