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Could not copy&paste pipeline snaps to another pipeline

New Contributor

Hi Guys,

Do you hit the same problem as described in the subject?

It worked before, but now I kept getting this error message, “Snap is not compatible with this pipeline”



Former Employee

Are you trying between two different types of pipeline, like Standard and Spark?

Diane Miller

New Contributor

No, just two pipelines, one is a sub pipeline of another one.

Contributor III

@bobyin, I see this behavior when trying to copy/paste a snap or group of snaps containing a nested pipeline. I have to deselect the nested pipeline snap, paste the remainder, and then have to drag and configure the nested pipeline into the new area.

@dmiller, I’m not sure if this is intended behavior or a defect, but it’s a great case for an enhancement request.

You cannot copy a nested pipeline snap. As you may have noticed Nested Pipeline Snap is delicate in its usage. Everytime the child pipeline changes, you have to anyway redrag it from the pipelines cataglog.

So, it obviously does not make sense to copy and paste it to another pipeline canvas area.

When you drag and drop, it creates a snap reference id for that pipeline and the reference is lost whenever you do something with the nested pipeline.

Yes it could be an enhancement request!!