07-07-2022 05:43 PM
I’ve got a JSON ‘entry’ (sample below) that’s coming to me from a rest API, and the elements in that entry consist of all the metadata about a form that the users fill out, as well as all their responses. Each of the user’s responses are normalized by Gravity Forms however, by making a numbered element with the response as the value for each element, and the “_labels” element contains the column or field names for each response.
To get to my target database however, I want to use those values inside the labels element as keys for the values that are at the top level.
I’ve reviewed a couple of posts here from Patrick that do something similar using a double mapping pipeline, and I was able to make my own pipeline using a JSON splitter to get a JSON of just the labels, but I can’t seem to figure out how to pivot or transpose the data to get a tuple to reinsert into the main document. My gut feel is that I need to get the data I want into its own set of documents, then join that to the original.
Essentially I’d like to turn the entries for 1.3:
into an element like this:
"First": "Post",
Sample Entry:
"entries": [
"2": "Creating using REST API v2",
"3": "Manually created using the POST route of the REST API v2",
"id": "311",
"form_id": "176",
"post_id": null,
"date_created": "2018-10-16 12:43:23",
"date_updated": "2018-10-16 19:33:56",
"is_starred": "0",
"is_read": "1",
"ip": "::1",
"source_url": "http://localhost/wp.dev/?gf_page=preview&id=176",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0",
"currency": "USD",
"payment_status": null,
"payment_date": null,
"payment_amount": null,
"payment_method": "",
"transaction_id": null,
"is_fulfilled": null,
"created_by": "1",
"transaction_type": null,
"status": "active",
"1.3": "Post",
"1.6": "Entries 2",
"1.2": "",
"1.4": "",
"1.8": "",
"_labels": {
"1": {
"1.2": "Prefix",
"1.3": "First",
"1.4": "Middle",
"1.6": "Last",
"1.8": "Suffix"
"2": "Untitled",
"3": "Untitled"
07-08-2022 06:31 AM
David -
First use a JSON Splitter to make each array element from “entries” part of the root object:
Then use this expression in a Mapper snap with target path set as “$”
07-08-2022 07:32 AM
Hi David,
I have tried to create a sample pipeline that supports multiple labels (ex: 1.1,1.2,1.3,2.1, 2.2 etc). Check the attached pipeline which has the sample data for multiple values. Hope this will help you.
Normalized_Column_Sample_2022_07_08.slp (17.6 KB)
04-14-2023 03:37 AM
Hi Team, I want to normalize the data like below source
Target should be like below
May i know how it is possible in Snaplogic?
04-24-2023 11:40 AM
You can use the below expression a mapper followed by a splitter snap.
$value.split(“;”)[1].split(“,”).map(x =>$value.split(“;”)[0]+“;”+x)
in the above expression, $value is assumed to be the actual source value.
The example source json is as follows.