02-24-2017 07:59 AM
Here is a pipeline that reads a .zip file, decompresses (unzips) it and parses it contents.
Please note that our current “Decompress” Snap only supports BZIP2, GZIP and DEFLATE.
Binary to Document Snap Encode or Decode property is set to NONE
Mapper configuration
Zip file read Snap configuration
This will return a binary stream and based on content-type, in this case we have an Excel xls file so we snap-in Excel Parser.
Pipeline is attached, you need to pass zip file to read
BK new pipeline 0_2017_02_21.slp (6.3 KB)
03-01-2018 10:09 AM
if a password is required to unzip the zip file, how would that work in Snaplogic to unzip it?
11-04-2021 01:05 PM
I am trying to Unzip a Z file that uses UNIX Z Compression and not successful at using any of the DECOMPRESS snap scheme methods available. Could you help … please?
11-08-2021 06:53 AM
Have you tried reading a zip file and the contents inside a subfloders as well?
and what with one or some of those subfolders are again a zip file…?