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Dynamic file name in excel format

New Contributor

I want to name a file dynamically while creating an excel, the csv formatter allows dynamic file naming but not the excel formatter. I am having issues with the csv formatter, it does name the file dynamically but the csv file does not show all fields queries from Salesforce. Any suggestions how so I proceed?


Former Employee

Am assuming that field names are missing ? You can work your way around it so that all the fields come in the first record. You can do a Groupby and then sort it through an expression.

Below is the known limitation on the snap.

  • The Snap prepares the column header for the output view (and hence the CSV file) using the keys defined in the first record. This may result in ignoring any additional key passed in the subsequent records. We recommend that you pass values for a comprehensive set of all keys used in the input view, for the first record.