01-24-2019 01:59 AM
I have to fetch the Authorization header value and pass it to next REST API call.
Please reply if some one has know. how to retrieve it.
01-24-2019 07:57 AM
The Authorization header is not accessible from a pipeline. Is it possible to also pass the value of the header in the request body?
01-24-2019 10:28 AM
That means we can not fetch header values in SnapLogic Pipeline.
I have to pass the Basic Authorization value i.e “Basic XXXXXXXX”.
So only way is to pass through request body. Will you suggest some other options.
Please provide your inputs.
01-24-2019 10:41 AM
You can access certain headers from the request, for example:
But not authorization.
If you’re not able to pass through the request body, I’m not sure there are a whole lot of other options.
The only other way I can think to do this is if there are a finite number of users. Then you could preconfigure REST Basic Auth accounts for those users and pass the account name as part of the request. Then in the pipeline you could dynamically set the account depending on the account name passed in.
01-24-2019 10:49 AM
Thanks for the reply and your suggestions . Could you please tell me what will be expression to access the header for ex. CONTENT_TYPE.