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Generate dynamic sequence in mapper with every pipeline validation?

Valued Contributor

Hi Team,

Is there a way we can generate a dynamic sequence in mapper or any other snap (values of which can be used in mapper eventually) with each pipeline validation? If not with pipeline validation, it will be okay for now if we are able to generate a value with each pipeline execution.

For example, if I validated or executed my pipeline once, the sequence starts with 1, with every other run, the sequence would be 2, 3, 4, etc.

Thank you.

Best Regards,



Valued Contributor

We don't want to overdo this as well. Something like, setting a numberSequence to 1 and before the completion of the pipeline, appending it with +1 and storing that number as a parameter and using it during next execution. I'm looking for an easier way that doesn't put a lot of overhead to the pipeline.

Valued Contributor

@ddellsperger @koryknick - tagging you here if you can please assist on this one or share insights to the available functionalities.

Best Regards,



@darshthakkar - I might recommend using an expression library to store your current value at the end of each execution.

I've attached a sample pipeline to get you started.

Hope this helps!

Thank you @koryknick for the assistance over here, I tried it once and it doesn't work the way I intend it to be.
The count changes from 0 to 1 and then it stops, when you tested it, was it working well for you?


I'm actually travelling this week so I will give it a try again next week, thanks again for your help.

Also, I was looking for an easier way (less memory and less resources usage) and didn't want to use expression library at the very first as there are challenges to it as well; if there is a common expression library and we need to append this variable for storing the value, every time the exp. library gets changed and promoted to higher env., we lose the history (reason being, when the count changed to 1 on the pipeline, expression library was still pointing to its initial value).

Thank you.


Best Regards,
