05-20-2021 04:00 PM
Hi I am trying to run an instance of groundplex on a server but I am not able to see the snaplex dectecting the node, I got jcc_error.json and I see this error:
“ERROR”,“fi”:“RequestFilter.java:157”,“msg”:“JCC cannot be initialized properly [Error communicating with SLDB: htt ps://elastic.snaplogic.com/api/1/rest/cc/initialize PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target]”
I ran curl -v h ttps://elastic.snaplogic.com:443 as mentioned in this post but the I got a response indicating it is connected.
jcc_error.txt (19.3 KB)
Someone can help to diagnose what is required to do this work?
05-20-2021 05:15 PM
Welcome to the SnapLogic community !!
The error looks like the request from the Groundplex to the SnapLogic Control plane is hitting a proxy server which is exposing an unrecognized SSL certificate.
Check the Snaplex properties, whether a proxy server is correctly configured. If no proxy is configured, there might be an implicit proxy on the network. The jcc
diagnostics command can be used to generate a report providing more details about connectivity issues.