02-02-2022 09:08 AM
I am trying insert 70K records in loop till a condition is false. Looping logic working fine. But, I see it takes 1 hour to insert 70K records each time. PFA of the pipeline I am executing. Is there a way to perform insertion faster? Any tips would be helpful.
02-02-2022 12:55 PM
The only insert step I see is the Redshift - Bulk Load. Is there any other step where you are doing the insert?
You can also try increasing the Batch size and Fetch size in the account setup.
02-02-2022 02:16 PM
Hi Rajesh,
Yes it’s Bulk load redshift. It checks for a condition in redshift select snaps and if it’s true, it self execute again till the condition is false.
So the set of snaps in this pipeline will be executed again and again in loop till false.
Other than updating account settings batch and pool size, is there a way to address this slow execution.?
02-02-2022 04:43 PM
Hi Rajesh, I have batch and pool size in pipeline execute as 1. Looping total record count for each cycle is 70k. Any tips on what should be batch size and pool size to make this pipeline execution complete sooner? Please let me know.
02-02-2022 08:07 PM
You can filter your records by using a filter snap before the redshift snap. And you can use Bulk Load snap to load all those filtered records into a target table. Batch size is irrelevant for Bulk Load snap. It just loads all the records at once.