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How to increment Max value from database column

New Contributor


I have a requirement where I need to take max value for each client from my oracle target table and then increment it by 1 accordingly to load the record to target table with the new max value ad produced sequence key, I am using where clause in sql to filter by client_id since each of them
have different max values.


client_id max_value

1 100
2 200


Assume that I have 8 records in my source file then my desired output would be:

I have 5 incoming records with client_id 1 then I want the records produced sequence key to be 101,102,103,104,105

I have 3 incoming records with client_id 2 then I want the records produced sequence key to be 201,202,203

I have tried to use oracle execute snap by taking max_id from the column and passing value to mapper and incrementing 1, but when I do this it does not increment.

How can I do this requirement in snaplogic?
