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How to remove blank rows from an input flat file?

Valued Contributor

Hi Team,

How can I remove all the blank rows from an input flat file? I cannot use a condition restricted on a single column as the other records are needed. All I want to do is filter out ALL ROWS that doesn’t have any data (like Row 4, 5, 7, 8 shown in the screenshot below)


Desired Output:

Thus, final output should be:

Thanking in advance.



Admin Admin

This is maybe a little bit difficult, but you can put the following filter after your parser
The expression is: $.entries().filter(v => v[1] != "").length > 0 which will find any instance where all of the values for the given input document are all empty and filter them out.

View solution in original post


It’s safe to say it’s similar, you could achieve similar with the following filter directly on the object (as a bit of a double verification doing both null and empty string checking):
!$.filter((v, k) => v != null && v != "").isEmpty()

This space and time complexity is fairly low, you’re talking O(n) when it comes to this validation and verification as it will go through every piece in the input document to check for values, we do a filter and length (creates an array and provides us the length of that) to then check for the size, the other option above is similar in that route.

There are some other ways to potentially do this, but I wouldn’t really call them perfect solutions, your flat file is likely a CSV and as a result, there’s some limitations with the CSV Parser to get those empty rows removed, and I think that’s a place where the snap can potentially be improved (I’ll have a feature request logged internally to see if we can help out in this case). Some of our snaps have better support for this than others, I believe the Excel Parser has some option to exclude empty rows from the output, but that’s using a different way to parse, so it’s slightly skewed in how it operates.

Thanks a TON ❤️ for the detailed explanation @ddellsperger, really appreciate your time and help on this. I tried to put $.isEmpty() == false as well as !$.isEmpty() under router and filter but didn’t find any luck and it now makes sense as I was missing out a vital condition. Thanks for sharing that as well.

Agreed on the CSV limitations part, excel is much straightforward than this one. Another thing (this is off-topic) I’ve noticed especially with CSV file (CSV formatter though) is that when we go ahead UTF-8 binding under character set, the file generated is not good-to-use as it prints the data on the next line; the strange part was the length at which it used to break wasn’t consistent. I had a use case to generate csv files couple of months ago, it failed miserably so I went ahead with excel file and then converted it manually using UTF-8.

In addition to this, hyperlinks don’t work on CSV, even if you write transformations on snapLogic, the end result on the CSV would be a formala displayed as a “Text”.

Moroeve, I have also observed that certain .csv files that gets generated from snapLogic are larger than their potential .xlsx (I usually develop the pipelines where the backup files gets saved on a network drive and this is my observation from that). I can keep you posted with my observations particularly on CSV snaps offline, if I find more. Don’t want to spam this thread more and I apologize for going off-track on this one.

Thank you for logging a feature request, will keep an eye if there is any enhancement to the snap.

Thanks again, happy holidays and have a good one ahead 🙂


Just so you know, I tested this out and it works as well :+1:

Or… $.values().join(‘’).trim().length > 0


I will try this as well and keep you posted whether it worked or not.
Thanks for your help though @alchemiz