02-15-2022 01:16 PM
I have a scenario where I have few columns have null value few not. Objective is to not to bring in columns with null value for each records.
id | a | b | c | d | e |
abc | null | 1 | 2 | null | null |
def | 11 | null | 22 | 33 | null |
ijk | 111 | 222 | null | 333 | 444 |
lmo | null | null | null | null | 5555 |
abc 1 2
samething with other records as well. Does anyone know any trick on this? Please let me know.
02-15-2022 02:23 PM
You can achieve this by using a mapper snap with the following expression:
$.filter(value => value != null)
mapped to the target path $
this will filter all values out that equal null, keeping only the key-value pairs in which the value is not null.
Keep in mind this will only work for 1 level of nesting as I noticed your data was. If it does need to work with nested JSON fields it would be a different expression that I can provide you with as well if needed.
02-15-2022 02:45 PM
Thanks Cole. Kindly share the other expression also.
02-15-2022 02:56 PM
You can use this expression:
{ filterEmptyKeys: (value, key) => value != null, cleanupTree: value => value instanceof Object ? value.mapValues(this.cleanupTree).filter(this.filterEmptyKeys) : value }.cleanupTree($)
mapped to the target path $
to remove all null values from a nested JSON object
02-15-2022 03:00 PM
Thanks Cole again. For the first expression, I am getting none null columns all coming as array for each rows. Is that expected?