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Merge documents into one big document



Currently when I use Oracle select/Oracle execute snaps to query data from Snaplogic, it will return multiple documents as output from those snaps(one row per doc).

Is there a way i can merge them together into one json array or one doc?



So we got a script written by your professional. the whole pipeline with this script snap and ultra task only takes 200ms.

Remember when I say we used ultra task with groupbyN snap and Pipeline execute, it takes 3 to 4s.

Something definitely need a enhancement request. Performance is bad.

I think you meant by non-ultra task with groupbyN take 3-4 seconds which I think is what we can expect. There is a reason why there is ultra which is exactly design to offer sub-seconds respond time. I believe the more sensible enhancement request is to enable more functions like GroupbyN to be supported by Utra.


I do have similar issue. is it possible to share the script


Yes, we have asked for a request