05-19-2021 04:40 AM
I need to setup a logic to filter out only valid email address, might use that logic in filters, conditional or mappers. logic should able decide which email address valid.
For ex : test@test687 is invalid and test@test687.com or test@test687.edu etc are valid
05-22-2021 10:51 AM
Thanks, A Lot, This one is much better covers a lot of varying emails
05-24-2021 01:20 PM
@vaiyarm -
You can do a DuckDuckGo Search (or snooptastic Google, if you prefer) on “e-mail address validation regex” (try removing the word regex or replacing with the full word, or the word “pattern” or “parsing”) and you should get a lot of hits. The most comprehensive validator that I’ve found was written in C# for CLR / dotNet: it could handle ALL valid internet e-mail addresses, including those with complex domain names.
That particular regex had several drawbacks:
Personally, I’d prefer having to copy a hundred lines of parsing code (if relatively straightforward and clear) than to try to get such a fierce regex working. It can, however, be done!
05-24-2021 01:32 PM
Try reading the below for more reasons why you might want to use a real parser and not a regex…