03-07-2023 03:17 AM
In Database i have field called “Product_ID” i need to update the field with ‘P-00001’ when i execute the first time and Second time when i execute the field should be updated with ‘P-00002’ please give me an solution how to implement using which snap.
Thanks in Advance !!
03-07-2023 08:21 PM
@darshthakkar @alchemiz Can anyone please help on this
03-07-2023 08:54 PM
@rjapala You can use a combination of Sequence snap and Mapper snap, as shown below
The expression used for the transformation is “P-%05d”.sprintf($value)
03-07-2023 09:17 PM
Like every time trigger the task then should generate the sequence and update the Product_ID
03-07-2023 09:08 PM
Thank you so much @Dheeraj
I have a doubt here like how do we get each time a new sequence should i check with execute or validate