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Pipeline monitoring to API Access Only user


I am trying to access pipeline monitoring information using the SnapLogic public API. I am currently using the /api/1/rest/public/runtime/ endpoint. When I use my own user access the endpoint, I get back all information for our organization’s running and completed pipelines. When I use a new user with API Access Only, I get no results back from the pipeline monitoring endpoint. I have also made sure that the new user is in the same group as my personal user. It still doesn’t work. Am I missing something to setting up a user for API Access Only?


@dmiller I hit the /users/ endpoint in the public API using an admin user and still could not see the “organizations” data, which is where you can see if a user is an org admin or not.

Former Employee

You could check the membership of the “admins” group using the Group APIs (

I’d have to look into the “organizations” data.

Diane Miller

New Contributor II

At our org we had setup an regular user specifically for reading the public API and gave read access to the folders we needed on.


I am an admin in my own, but our organization uses SSO to sign in to the platform. Because of this, I don’t really have access to what my password would be. What would be the best resolution for a scenario like this?