05-02-2024 02:19 AM
Sharing a part of my whole pipeline flow is:
Router snap --> oracle_execute snap (fetches data from oracle db via slect statement) --> mapper --> csv formatter --> file writer
The mapper input view is of the format:
"key1": "Key1",
"key2": "Key2",
"key3": {
"subkey1": "sub key 1"
I want to create csv file using fields: "key1" and "key2".
However, I want to use the field: "key3"."subkey1" in file_writer snap to use as suffix in filename.
If I select the pass through option in mapper and create target schema mapping only for key1 and key2; the csv formatter snap fails saying that flattened input is required.
How can I resolve this?
05-02-2024 07:57 AM
Hello @Gitanjali,
One approach would be to wrap the File Writing part in a child pipeline and pass the file name as a parameter from the parent.
Attached below I'm providing you an example pipelines.
Please let me know if this helps you!