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How to render distinct elements only in an array with duplicates

New Contributor III

I have a JSON document that has inside an array with duplicate values such as [1,1,3,3,6,1,2,1,2,100]. I am trying to transform/map it from source into target by returning only the distinct values such as [1,3,6,100]. How can I achieve that using a Mapper snap or if any other snap. For example when using jsonPath() function to specify a part of JSON document that has an array, is there a function similar to .unique() that could be attached to return only unique array elements?
The Unique snap works only on entire documents/rows not array elements within a document.


Hi @Anjali

item is the current item it is iterating over in the array, pos is the position in the array for this item and a is the array itself.

The expression to remove duplicates is using the indexOf() to collect a single instance of each unique element in the filter() method since indexOf() returns the first found index for each unique value each time.

New Contributor

Hi, I have an complex JSON array and I have to remove the duplicates based on a field. For Ex:
[ {PartnerID:1127839, ProductNum:a, …} ,
{PartnerID:1127839, ProductNum:a,…} ,
{PartnerID:1127839, ProductNum:b,…} ,
{PartnerID:1127839, ProductNum:c,…} ],
How can I remove the duplicate array elements based on the ProductNum Field to produce the below JSON
[ {PartnerID:1127839, ProductNum:a, …} ,
{PartnerID:1127839, ProductNum:b,…} ,
{PartnerID:1127839, ProductNum:c,…} ]

I have tried the above logic and it didnt work, as other fields in this json structure.

Former Employee

Same idea, except you’d want to use the ‘findIndex()’ method with a custom predicate instead of the ‘indexOf()’ method, like so:

$arr.filter((item, pos, a) => a.findIndex(elem => item.ProductNum == elem.ProductNum) == pos)

So, the ‘findIndex()’ method will walk through the array and evaluate the predicate function (elem => item.ProductNum == elem.ProductNum) on every element in the array. If a match is found, the index is returned and, if it’s the same index as the current element being examined in the filter, then we add the element to output list.

New Contributor III


Is there a way we can totally remove the duplicates values from the array?

For instance if my array looks like [1,2,3,1,3,4,5], I want them separated out with each other like [2,4,5] and [1,1,3,3]

New Contributor

Can you please explain how this filter function is working? what is item , pos and a here and how there are functioning?