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PostgreSQL Bulk Upload

New Contributor

Is there a way to remove the PRIMARY_KEY from insert query getting triggered from PostgreSQL Bulk Load Snap.

Issue is when the Snaplogic trying to insert data into postgreSQL the PRIMARY_COLUMN is going as NULL which is causing while inserting record into postgreSQL database. 

NOTE: If we remove the ID column which is the primary from been serialized than it will be auto generated as it is set as AUTO INCREMENT. 

I tried mapper as well to remove the ID column to not included in INSERT query but it didn't worked out.

Any suggestions from anyone.


Former Employee

@manojchit  When you're working with data integration involving PostgreSQL tables, it's often crucial to load only the necessary columns to optimise performance and maintain data integrity. The BulkLoad snap in SnapLogic provides a convenient way to accomplish this task, offering a 'columns' property that allows you to specify exactly which columns you want to load from your data source into the PostgreSQL table.

By utilising the 'columns' property, you gain control over the data that gets inserted into your PostgreSQL table, enabling you to exclude any columns that are not relevant to your current operation. This selective loading helps streamline your data pipelines and ensures that only the required information is transferred, reducing unnecessary overhead and potential errors.

Refer snap doc link to understand more about columns property: