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I have expression.expr file. And I want to check if parameter is defined in snaplogic pipeline used{getS3EnvRoot: () => _has_restricted_access == 1 ? '/abc/' : '/xyz/',}
The Directory Browser returns nothing when the specific file name cannot be found. So, how can I check if the file is found in the next snap like Router. I tried some ways like: $ == null or .get but it doesn't work. Please help me overcome this.  Ma...
As long as before, when I add expression library, it appears the "=" button as below. But now, the "=" button doesn't appear like the picture. How can I get expr file from parameter? 
From the very first, I have data stream like as below[{"report_pipeline_id":"5fac56734418fe353b7b846d","transaction_id":"72479d9c-85f4-4cc6-90ec-dffac6d8536a","client_id":"e2572c18-29de-46c1-a212-fa54f61e468f"},...]later step is CSV Formatter, this s...
I have output doc as the below picture How can I get the first element from the doc?
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