User Activity

I'm trying to develop a pipeline that queries two (or more) database tables, converts them to CSV, compresses them to a single archive and writes them to and S3 bucket. I have a working pipeline for a single table:But what I'd like to do is have mult...
I'm trying to delete rows from my database when their id's aren't in the response document returned from an api query. Currently, my pipeline looks like this:If there is an ID value in the SQL Server table that is not in the REST response document, I...
I have a document like this: [ { "first": ["1", "2"], "second": "a" }, { "first": ["3", "4"], "second": "b" } ] And I'm trying to convert it to a table like this: FirstSecond1a2a3b4bI'm thinking I need to use the "map" or "m...
I have one document structured like this: FirstNameLastNameTitleAnnSmithMsJuneJonesMrsSamJohnsonMrsAnd a second document like this: LabelValueMyEvent8/21/23I'm trying to merge them together to get a final product like this: FirstNameLastNameTitleValu...
I'm developing a pipeline to request data from an API and load it into a MS SQL Server table. The first run of the pipeline loaded 50 records to the table, each with a unique 'user_name' value. The table constraints require the 'user_name' field be u...
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