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@amubeen There are two ways that you can handle this use case
Leave the fields you want to loaded as null as Empty in the csv file and un-select the property, “Load empty strings” in Snowflake Bulk Load. This will make sure Snowflake Bulk Load will l...
@vsunilbabu If Create new table if not present option is selected without providing the schema in a secondary input view, varchar will be used for all the column’s data types.
In your use case, you can provide the schema of the table that you wa...
Can you provide the screenshot of the pipeline and preferably the downloaded slb file if it does not contain sensitive data.
Did the examples provided in the Salesforce Bulk Upsert snap helpful to you: https://docs-snaplogic.atlassia...
@davidm You don’t have to write files to an external S3 or Azure storage for using the Snowflake Bulk Load Snap. What is the complete failure message and stack trace that you got from Snowflake Bulk Load.