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Match operator: match object key with special characters


Hi all,

I’m facing and issue where i would like to match some properties of an object within an array and then select a specific object key for the result.

Since my source data is Workday XML, I have namespaces prepended to the object keys.
In this match, i would like to retrieve the ‘wd:Email_Address’ element, but i believe that since i put that in quotes, it doesn’t realize that i want to declare it as variable. When i don’t do that, it will also not accept it due to the colon.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to deal with this?

match $['wd:Worker_Data']['wd:Personal_Data']['wd:Contact_Data']['wd:Email_Address_Data'] {
 [..., { "wd:Usage_Data": { "@wd:Public": "1"}, 'wd:Email_Address' }, ...] => 'wd:Email_Address'

Here’s an exemplary data set that i’d like to match (the bulk before is omitted):

  "wd:Email_Address_Data": [
    "wd:Email_Address": "",
    "wd:Usage_Data": {
      "@wd:Public": "1",
      "wd:Type_Data": {
        "@wd:Primary": "1",
        "wd:Type_Reference": {
          "@wd:Descriptor": "Work",
          "wd:ID": [
              "@wd:type": "WID",
              "$": "..."
              "@wd:type": "Communication_Usage_Type_ID",
              "$": "WORK"
    "wd:Email_Reference": {
      "@wd:Descriptor": "EMAIL_REFERENCE-3-7789",
      "wd:ID": [
          "@wd:type": "WID",
          "$": "..."
          "@wd:type": "Email_ID",
          "$": "..."
    "wd:ID": "..."
    "wd:Email_Address": "test@test.test",
    "wd:Usage_Data": {
      "@wd:Public": "0",
      "wd:Type_Data": {
        "@wd:Primary": "1",
        "wd:Type_Reference": {
          "@wd:Descriptor": "Home",
          "wd:ID": [
              "@wd:type": "WID",
              "$": "..."
              "@wd:type": "Communication_Usage_Type_ID",
              "$": "HOME"
    "wd:Email_Reference": {
      "@wd:Descriptor": "...",
      "wd:ID": [
          "@wd:type": "WID",
          "$": "..."
          "@wd:type": "Email_ID",
          "$": "..."
    "wd:ID": "..."

Best regards

Contributor III

@Henchway Sorry I didn’t 100% understand your requirement but as per my understanding you are trying to fetch email address where public ==1 from an wd:Email_Address_Data array. If that’s the case you can try either of the below expression.

jsonPath($, “[‘wd:Email_Address_Data’][?(value[‘wd:Usage_Data’][‘@wd:Public’] == 1)][‘wd:Email_Address’]”).pop()

sl.ensureArray($[‘wd:Email_Address_Data’]).filter((val,index)=> val.hasPath(“[‘wd:Usage_Data’][‘@wd:Public’]”)).find((ele,index)=> ele[‘wd:Usage_Data’][‘@wd:Public’] == 1)[“wd:Email_Address”]

Hi Supratim,

thanks for the suggestion, that’s the way I’m currently doing it, however, I need to check not only ‘public’, but several other elements in different levels of the json as well as some conditional logic and that gets fairly tedious once it reaches a certain size.
Here i would like to specifically solve this with the matcher and to know whether it’s possible to output a variable which includes special characters such as a colon.

Best regards

To elaborate a bit more, i now removed the XML namespaces in the document and then it works like a charm.

E.g. in the following i’m checking three different attributes and two different cases: one where the data is delivered in an array and the other one in an object:

match $Worker_Data.Personal_Data.Contact_Data.Email_Address_Data{
 [..., { "Usage_Data": { "@Public": "1", "Type_Data": {"@Primary": "1", "Type_Reference": {"@Descriptor": "Work"}}}, Email_Address }, ...] => Email_Address,
{ "Usage_Data": { "@Public": "1", "Type_Data": {"@Primary": "1", "Type_Reference": {"@Descriptor": "Work"}}}, Email_Address } => Email_Address

When trying this with jsonPath and a ternary operator, it gets very convoluted:

typeof $['wd:Worker_Data']['wd:Personal_Data']['wd:Contact_Data']['wd:Email_Address_Data'] == 'array' 
 jsonPath($, "$['wd:Worker_Data']['wd:Personal_Data']['wd:Contact_Data']['wd:Email_Address_Data'][?(value['wd:Usage_Data']['@wd:Public'] == '1' 
&& value['wd:Usage_Data']['wd:Type_Data']['@wd:Primary'] == '1' 
&& value['wd:Usage_Data']['wd:Type_Data']['wd:Type_Reference']['@wd:Descriptor'] == 'Work')]['wd:Email_Address']").pop()
($['wd:Worker_Data']['wd:Personal_Data']['wd:Contact_Data']['wd:Email_Address_Data']['wd:Usage_Data']['@wd:Public'] == '1' 
&& $['wd:Worker_Data']['wd:Personal_Data']['wd:Contact_Data']['wd:Email_Address_Data']['wd:Usage_Data']['wd:Type_Data']['@wd:Primary'] == '1' 
&& $['wd:Worker_Data']['wd:Personal_Data']['wd:Contact_Data']['wd:Email_Address_Data']['wd:Usage_Data']['wd:Type_Data']['wd:Type_Reference']['@wd:Descriptor'] == 'Work'

Of course i wouldn’t want to remove the namespaces every time before i want to use the match operator, do you have a suggestion how to achieve with with match?