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Hi all,currently i have the issue that I need to provide some data to an external import service (Jira Cloud Assets), which sends Accept: application/octet-stream in the headers, which is not accepted by Snaplogic.Snaplogic responds with 406 NOT ACCE...
Hello everyone,
I have the need to let some stream paths end in “nothing”.
Essentially I have a bunch of diff outputs that I will ignore, but eventually I will have to reduce the entire pipeline to a single output since it will be a triggered task.
I’m not able to access the original document during pagination with the HTTP Client. This worked with the REST Client, but looks like it’s not possible any more.
This is a needed feature when the API being called does not respond back with limit/...
Hi all,
I’m facing and issue where i would like to match some properties of an object within an array and then select a specific object key for the result.
Since my source data is Workday XML, I have namespaces prepended to the object keys.
In this m...
Is there a way to validate the pipeline parameters using the data validator?
Getting the following error when trying to validate a pipeline parameter:
Data Validator[5dc15a412e2bfc322115a57d_286ad388-7bdb-4bcf-be8e-0cb286d68710 -- f2cdd56e-15b0-4ea4-...
Alright, got it working. Instead of sending back Content-Type: application/octet-stream, I had to lower-case to "content-type", the caller is now accepting the response. I was thinking that it's an issue with the server not being able to serve applic...
Hi Matt,
thank you very much, I couldn’t solve it with, but snap.out.totalCount did the trick.
For people searching this in the future, here is the configuration. Specifically this is used with the Workday REST API.
Best regards
To elaborate a bit more, i now removed the XML namespaces in the document and then it works like a charm.
E.g. in the following i’m checking three different attributes and two different cases: one where the data is delivered in an array and the other...
Hi Supratim,
thanks for the suggestion, that’s the way I’m currently doing it, however, I need to check not only ‘public’, but several other elements in different levels of the json as well as some conditional logic and that gets fairly tedious once ...