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XML Generator, Entity referenced, but not declared


I’m having trouble using the XML Generator with data that contains special symbols and characters. All the usual suspects (<, >, &, ", ', ) have been taken care of by using the HTML notations <, >, &amp, etc., but I’m having trouble with others that I feel should work. For instance, the symbol for the registered sign, ®, should be notated as ®, however, the XML generator gives me an error stating that “the entity, reg, is referenced but not delcared.” How do I go about declaring these. I have quite a number of symbols and accented/uumlat’ed letters that I need to use. Whether I use the rendered symbol or the HTML notation, the XML Generator fails.

How can I successfully include these symbols in my XML messages so that the XML Generator doesn’t see them as errors? See pics below for examples of my issue.



Replacing &reg; with the decimal equivalent may work (ie, &#174;). There is
also an "Escape Special Characters" checkbox which will escape many special

For example, < -> &lt; 

Though representation may not be correct if already escaped, for example, &lt; -> &amp;lt;


I tried playing with the “escape special characters” option, but it just dropped my special charcter data instead of leaving the escaped notations as they were.

Hmmm… Frustrating indeed. Let me conduct an experiment too.

I’m wondering if there’s a way to make the XML Generator and the XML Formatter ignore escaped codes and leave them as they are instead of rendering them. It would be nice if &reg/&174 behaved the same way as &lt and &gt

Thanks for helping me look at this!