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Overview SnapLogic supports the deployment of Groundplexes on Kubernetes platforms, thus enabling the application to leverage the various capabilities of Kubernetes. This document explains a few best practice recommendations for the deployment of Sna...
Without using any of the HTTP Client next page settings, I'm at least getting this, but it's only the first page:Here's what I was using in the REST Get snap; I tried similar expressions in the HTTP Client snap, but no luck:
I am trying to create an account to connect to a Postgres db and continue to get a "Failed to validate account" error. I have tried both setting up with type Postgres Account and Postgres Dynamic Account.I have downloaded and added the most recent JD...
Hi Team,I was looking into a possibility of fetching pipeline execution details (along with its execution frequency which is not available at the moment) via a snapLogic pipeline.Ideally, I would want to fetch everything that is available in Dashboar...
A few month ago, I requested an option to pass the POST body content to subsequent calls. @koryknick confirmed the request was already passed but there is still no any news. I already mentioned it's impossible to use the approach described in the Sna...
I'm using the following expression to parse date fields in an object. It works correctly. However, when I replace key.contains('date') with another string to compare, the expression returns null for the object.$attributes.mapValues((value,key) => key...
Register Here>> In this webinar, weโll dive into the key trends, emerging technologies, and challenges organizations are likely to face in the next few years. Our focus will be on how AI and intelligent agents can reshape core business processesโu...